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Halloween Dance
sold out

Halloween Dance



Halloween COVID Cautious Costume Party!

October 25th from 6-10pm at Toshiko Tattoo Studio, located at 305 SE 3rd Street, Portland, OR, 97214.

This will be silent-disco style, where you can listen to any music that you play on headphones that you bring to the dance! This makes it so that folks who want a different level in volume can meet those needs, and anyone who needs a break from the noise can do so easily. It also can help people hear each other and chat, for those of us who are hard-of-hearing, and if you don't want to chat, you can just leave your headphones on! We will have a unified playlist available made from suggested songs, so you can tune into that if you would like to!

20 tickets are available. Please complete the form upon checking out to confirm your commitment to the COVID safety strategy.

No one turned away for lack of funds, discount code BOO at checkout will override cost. The cost with discount will be 50 cents, as the checkout page needs a non-zero number. More advanced coding is needed to change this and I do not have those skills at this time!

The form at the https://www.lcssartistry.com/dance-form can be filled out if you wish to be notified of future events.



1) Ticketed, private event to establish community agreements, support contact tracing, and facilitate notifications of illness. (Govt names not required)

2) N95 required indoors at all times, REMOVAL VOIDS TICKET

3) CO2 monitor present to help evaluate risk in real-time

4) No-contact fever check at the door (forehead or neck)

5) Handwashing or sanitizer upon entry

6) No food served indoors

7) No signs / symptoms of respiratory illness or reported recent exposure. (Recent = 10 days limit). Most recent strains cause GI distress

8) Drink or smoke outside, scheduled breaks will be taken

9) HVAC on high with HEPA filtration

10) Fan in restrooms to stay on and running

11) Free hand sanitizer, water, and N95s

12) Windows ajar to provide airflow

13) Free RATs distributed with instructions to use after 4 days, or sooner, if symptoms arise

14) Event host(s) have verified c19 negative status within 6rs before event.

15) No one turned away for lack of funds, use code LUNA to override ticket cost

16) If recently asymptomatic and c19+, serial testing is highly recommended to determine true negative. (THREE negative RATs, spaced 2 days apart each is ideal)


The contact form will let the studio perform contact tracing, collect donation information and consent, and move towards COVID safety. Tickets are $5, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Use code GNOME to reduce cost to $0. PPE donations are non-required and are an additional cost!

The form at the https://www.lcssartistry.com/dance-form can be filled out if you wish to be notified of future events.


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